Author:Li, RT, Dong, ZL, Murugan, Vinod K., Zhang, ZL, Khor, KA

Institute: School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore

In recent decades, quasicrystals have attracted increasing attention from researchers due to their unique properties and potential applications in various fields of science and technology. Of particular interest are methods for the synthesis and processing of quasicrystals, including spark plasma sintering, which makes it possible to obtain materials with certain structural and phase characteristics.

To conduct the study, samples of Al-Cr-Fe quasicrystals were used, obtained by mixing the corresponding elements and subsequent spark plasma sintering under certain conditions of temperature, pressure and exposure time. Next, metallographic and X-ray diffraction studies were carried out to analyze the structure and phase composition of the samples.

According to metallographic studies, it was found that the microstructure of Al-Cr-Fe quasicrystals obtained by spark plasma sintering is characterized by the presence of a coarse-grained structure with pronounced quasicrystalline and amorphous phases. X-ray diffraction data confirmed the presence of a quasicrystalline phase with characteristic quasiperiodicity.

Thus, spark plasma sintering is an effective method for producing Al-Cr-Fe quasicrystals with certain structural and phase characteristics. Further research in this direction may lead to the development of new methods for the synthesis and processing of quasicrystals and their application in various fields of science and technology.

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