Author: NK Mukhopadhyay

Instit: Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University)

Quasicrystals are a new type of materials with a low coefficient of friction. These unusual structures violate the rule of periodicity of the crystal lattice, but retain some of its features. Due to this, quasicrystals have unique physical properties that make them particularly attractive for various technical and industrial applications.

The friction of quasicrystals is a unique phenomenon that finds its application in various fields of science and industry. Quasicrystals, which represent a specific type of crystal structure, have special properties that distinguish them from ordinary crystals.

One of the most important features of quasicrystals is their low coefficient of friction. It is this property that makes them ideal materials for use in areas such as the manufacture of bearings, training surfaces and lubrication systems. Due to the low coefficient of friction, quasicrystals can significantly reduce energy consumption during movement and increase the efficiency of mechanisms, reducing wear and damage to parts.

However, quasicrystals are a relatively new material in the field of scientific research and industrial applications. In this regard, there is a need for further research to expand our knowledge about the structure and properties of these materials. The results of such research will help in the development of new technologies, optimization of production processes and creation of innovative products.

Thus, quasicrystals represent a new and unique material with a low coefficient of friction, expanding the horizons of application in the field of engineering and technology. Their potential in various industries, such as the automotive industry, mechanical engineering and energy, allows us to count on new opportunities to create more efficient and innovative solutions.

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