Author: T Grenet a, F Giroud a, C Loubet a, J.L Joulaud b, M Capitan b
Instit: LEPES-CNRS, BP166, 38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France
Quasicrystals are unique structures in which atoms are arranged in unusual and non-repeating patterns. The study of the formation of quasicrystals in metallized layers of aluminum, copper and iron is an urgent task in the field of materials science.
Annealed metal layers consisting of aluminum (Al), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) with a certain ratio of components were used in the study. Real-time observations allowed us to obtain detailed information about the formation of quasicrystals.
Under certain conditions of deposition of Al-Cu-Fe metal layers, a quasi-crystalline structure is formed. Quasicrystals are formed as a result of complex physico-chemical and structural changes that occur during the annealing process. The influence of temperature, reflection time, and component ratios on the formation of quasicrystals was revealed.
The study of the structure of quasicrystals has shown that they have a high degree of order and unique symmetry. A quasi-crystalline structure is an ordered arrangement of atoms that does not repeat itself in space. In addition, it has been found that quasicrystals have special mechanical and electrical properties, which makes them potentially applicable in various fields, including electronics and catalysis.