Author: Sergey N. Dub, Yuliy V. Milman, Dina V. Lozko, Anton Nikolaevich Belous

Institute: Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, 04074, Ukraine, Institute of Materials Science Problems, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine

The mechanism of plastic deformation of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals, studied by the instrumental sharp indentation method, is an active area of ​​research in modern materials science. Quasicrystals are metal alloys that have an unusual atomic ordering that differs from a regular crystal lattice.

To study the plastic deformation of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals, the method of instrumental sharp indentation was used, which makes it possible to observe the effect of mechanical load on the surface of the material. This method is based on the principle of pressing a tip with a known shape into the surface of the sample. By changing the shape of the depressed area, one can judge the processes occurring in the material and its plastic behavior.

The results of the study made it possible to identify the mechanism of plastic deformation of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals. They showed that at low contact pressures, the deformation mechanism involves homogeneous plastic deformation, characterized by a uniform distribution of deformation throughout the sample.

However, with increasing contact pressure, heterogeneous deformation mechanisms are activated, such as dislocation penetration, crack formation and propagation.

An important aspect of this study is also the analysis of the influence of the composition of the Al-Cu-Fe alloy on the plastic deformation of quasicrystals. It was found that changing the content of components in the alloy can significantly affect the mechanical properties of a quasicrystalline material. For example, adding small amounts of other elements can improve its plastic deformation and reduce its tendency to crack.

Thus, studying the mechanism of plastic deformation of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals using the instrumental sharp indentation method provides valuable information about the behavior of these materials under mechanical load conditions. The results obtained can be used to develop new materials with improved mechanical properties and expand their areas of application.

The results of the study made it possible to identify the mechanism of plastic deformation of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals. They showed that at low contact pressures, the deformation mechanism involves homogeneous plastic deformation, characterized by a uniform distribution of deformation throughout the sample. However, with increasing contact pressure, heterogeneous deformation mechanisms are activated, such as dislocation penetration, crack formation and propagation.

An important aspect of this study is also the analysis of the influence of the composition of the Al-Cu-Fe alloy on the plastic deformation of quasicrystals. It was found that changing the content of components in the alloy can significantly affect the mechanical properties of a quasicrystalline material. For example, adding small amounts of other elements can improve its plastic deformation and reduce its tendency to crack.

Thus, studying the mechanism of plastic deformation of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals using the instrumental sharp indentation method provides valuable information about the behavior of these materials under mechanical load conditions. The results obtained can be used to develop new materials with improved mechanical properties and expand their areas of application.

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