

Author: Abuzin Yuri Alekseevich, Romashin Sergey Fedorovich, Tsetlin Mikhail Borisovich, Chernyak Elena Alexandrovna, Mikheeva Margarita NikolaevnaInstitute: The Russian Scientific Center “Kurchatov Institute”Plastic lubrication of quasicrystals is an innovative solution designed to improve the performance and efficiency of various mechanisms. Quasicrystals are known to have a number of unique properties, such as low friction and high […]

Author: Ekimov E. A., Ivanov A. S., Pal A. F., Ryabinkin A. N., Serov A. O., Starostin A. N. Institute: Aktsionernoe obshchestvo “Gosudarstvennyj nauchnyj tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij institut innovatsionnykh i termoyadernykh issledovanij AO “GNTS RF TRINITI”Composite materials based on the quasi-crystalline Al-Cu–Fe system are innovative materials that have unique physical and chemical properties. They […]

Author: Kuznetsova V. A., Kuznetsov G. V., Kondrashov E. K., Semenova L. V., Abuzin J. A., Deev I. S.Institute: Federal’noe gosudarstvennoe unitarnoe predprijatie “Vserossijskij nauchnoissledovatel’skij institut aviatsionnykh materialov”The composition for the protective coating is an innovative solution developed using advanced technologies and high–quality materials. This composition is intended for application to various surfaces in order […]

Author: Chukov D. I., Stepashkin A. A., Cherdyntsev V. V., Kaloshkin S. D., Maksimkin A. V., Nyaza K. V., Mostovaya K. S.Institute: Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya “Natsionalnyj issledovatelskij tekhnologicheskij universitet “MISiS”The polymer-quasi-crystalline powder composition is an innovative solution for obtaining high-quality anti-corrosion protective coatings. The invention relates to polymer matrix composite materials […]

Author:Peskova Anna Sergeevna, Vinogradova Tatyana Sergeevna, Farmakovsky Boris Vladimirovich, Ulin Igor Vsevolodovich, Yurkov, Maxim Anatolyevich, Sholkin Sergey Evgenievich, Mikheeva Margarita NikolaevnaInstitute:Central Research Institute of Structural Materials “Prometheus”The quasi-crystalline alloy based on the Al-Cu-Fe system is a unique material that has nanostructural properties and is an excellent choice for applying a wear-resistant coating. This alloy, combining […]

Author: Author: Saunin Viktor Nikolaevich, Telegin Sergey Vladimirovich, Kovalkova Valentina PetrovnaInstitute: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev” (SibGAU)Coatings made of quasi-crystalline alloy of the Al-Cu-Fe system represent an innovative solution in the field of surface treatment of materials. They are characterized by high strength, corrosion […]

Author: Author: Mironova Elena Yuryevna, Ermilova Margarita Meerovna, Orekhova Natalia Vsevolodovna, Yaroslavtsev Andrey BorisovichInstitute: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INHS RAS)Steam reforming of ethanol is one of the most effective and popular ways […]

Author: T Grenet a, F Giroud a, C Loubet a, J.L Joulaud b, M Capitan bInstit: LEPES-CNRS, BP166, 38042 Grenoble cedex 9, FranceQuasicrystals are unique structures in which atoms are arranged in unusual and non-repeating patterns. The study of the formation of quasicrystals in metallized layers of aluminum, copper and iron is an urgent task […]

Author: A.A. Lepeshev, E.A.Rozhkova, I.V. Karpov, A.V.Ushakov, L.Y.FedorovInstit: Siberian Federal UniversityQuasi-crystalline alloys, characterized by an unusual quasi-periodic structure and a fifth-order symmetry axis ”forbidden“ in crystallography, have a unique set of chemical and physico-mechanical properties.In this regard, the quasi−crystalline alloys of the Al−Cu—Me system (where Me is Fe, Cr, Mn, V) are indicative, which, with […]

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